Two Ingredient Cashew Date Bars

These two ingredient Cashew Date Bars are THE perfect travel snack, or anytime snack, really!  Summer, for many, is a hectic time. It often involves a lot of travel and go go go! I’m preparing for three weekends in a row of travel, and for me that means thinking about what I can bring with me to keep breakfast and snacks more of my norm [everyone’s norm is different!]. Some of my favorites are these Cashew Date Bars and my Chocolate Tahini Bliss Bites.


The reason I focus solely on breakfast and snacks is because 1) these are two eating occasions that, when eating on-the-go or on the road, can contribute large quantities of added sugar and saturated fat, and for me really reek havoc on digestion [I see you staring at me gooey cinnamon bun at cute local coffee shop!] 2) I usually wake up really early [5 a.m. internal alarm clock] and like to have something to eat soon after 3) it’s vacation – I like to enjoy the local food as much as possible, so there’s no need to plan every single eating occasion!

When you do have time to DIY – granola/energy bars can be the easiest thing to whip up that withstands travel well, and these two ingredient Cashew Date Bars definitely fit the bill! My other go-to travel snacks include any type of fruit that travels well [apple, banana, orange, etc.], yogurt, overnight oats/oatmeal, hummus, carrots/celery, air-popped popcorn, trail mix and nut butter packets!


Sugar is something I get asked about A LOT. Especially added sugar. Americans consume an average of 82 grams of added sugar per day!

What’s the recommended? 25 grams [6 tsp.] and 38 grams [9 tsp.] for women and men, respectively.

This is not to be confused with natural sugar that's in fruit and unsweetened/unflavored milk products which have a bigger nutrient bang for their buck! These naturally sweet foods contain beneficial nutrients like vitamins, minerals and/or fiber that you might not find much of in a packaged, overly processed, convenience food.

There are 61 different names for added sugar that could be hiding on nutrition labels. It can be found in everything from granola bars to pasta sauces. Long-term overconsumption of added sugar can lead to diabetes, heart and liver disease, cancer, fertility issues, digestion problem, lack of focus, low energy...the list goes on and on. 

Most nutrition professionals recommend eating as little packaged food as possible, which I am definitely on board with. But, let’s be real – sometimes that’s just not possible [i.e. in the case of travel]. So, knowing what to look for on labels can be really beneficial when you do have to choose packaged/ready-to-eat foods. If the time is there, whipping up these easy Cashew Date Bars is a great option to give you a little bit of sweet plus healthy fats and fiber to keep you satisfied while on-the-go.

Show off your rendition of these Cashew Date Bars and tag me @TheWellFedGuide - Happy travels!



  • 2 C Dates, pitted

  • 3 C Cashews

  • Salt, a heavy pinch

  • ½-1 Tbsp. water, as necessary


  1. Blend dates, cashews and salt in the food processor for about 1 minute. If mixture doesn’t start to come together, add a small amount of water. Blend again until a slightly sticky dough forms.

  2. Place dough on a large sheet of parchment paper and use a rolling pin to roll into a rectangle/square [you may need to use the edge of a knife to keep pushing the sides of the dough into a rectangle/square shape].

  3. Place rolled out dough on a baking sheet and freeze for at least 2 hours.

  4. Remove from freezer and cut into 1-inch squares. Enjoy right away or store in an airtight container in the freezer.